
Every person finds their favorite coffee, and many have tried and explored coffee around the world. It is the second most popular commodity next to oil since we feel better after drinking it. Not only does it give you that lift of energy, but it’s also great to mix with different flavor creamers and sweeteners. However, it is hard to enjoy all the different flavors when dairy and sugar adds calories when you drink coffee hot or cold.

Now there is a way we can ENJOY COFFEE with flavor AND LOSE WEIGHT! As a result of bio-hacking genus, say hello to plos thermo. This is a “SNAP” that you simply squeeze into your favorite hot or cold beverage and enjoy. Its a non-dairy creamer, and enhances your favorite brew.

We lose weight by drinking this bio-hacking non-dairy creamer which boosts our mood, lifts our spirits and stimulates the metabolism to burn unwanted fat. It’s that simple!

Enjoying the Food Without the Guilt

Let this “Amazing” Morning Coffee help you to lose 10-20 pounds of unwanted fat and inches a month!

We all love to eat. However, most of us are also watching the effects of what we eat. We find ourselves counting points, calories, sugar and sodium content, and total carbohydrates. In addition, we are too busy or too tired to cook a healthy meal. Due to stress, we end up eating more and not able to burn the fat or digest our food properly.

Now we found a solution as easy as drinking your coffee or favorite beverage and enjoy your meal without feeling guilty. You can finally eat your favorite food and lose weight doing it! As times goes on, your portion control will naturally decrease and you will no longer crave just because you are under stress. In no time, you will start to feel and look amazing. Just add it to your coffee or favorite beverage and have that cake or two!

The Struggle Was Real

Before I discovered plôs thermo, I had cut out certain foods because I was diagnosed as insulin resistant. This means cells in your muscles, fat, and liver don’t respond well to insulin and can’t easily take up glucose from your blood. Thus, the pancreas keeps making more insulin to try to make cells respond. Eventually, the pancreas can’t keep up, and the blood sugar (glucose) keeps rising, which leads to weight gain. However, there are no medications that are specifically approved to treat insulin resistance. The only way to live better is by diet and exercise. Which means, cutting down on things we love to have like wine and chocolates. Basically, anything that has a lot of sugar.

My weight will go up and down, because I was not consistent in my diet and exercise. Life gets in the way and it’s hard to keep up. I love drinking Fine Wines or a cocktail at dinner parties or at home, but had to stop because of my health. Even the food that I love to eat like bread, rice, and pasta. It was life changing. The food that I can digest easily before became a challenging task, because I did not have time to exercise on a regular basis.

With kids and a dog, where do I find the time? I would sign up for a gym membership and be motivated for a month, then other things come up, and have to start all over again. Then you realized how much money you wasted on the gym membership, because you lost the motivation and you gained back the pounds you lost. Back to square 1! Due to my frustration, I would crave the Fine Wines, chocolates, and everything else that is bad for me.

Too Good To Be True

Who would have thought that a morning coffee will be the solution I have been waiting for? I stopped adding flavored creamers to my coffee because of the sugar content. Now I cam actually enjoy my coffee and fine wines again. The solution was nothing more than enhancing your cup of coffee.

There is nothing better than having coffee and wine with your friends and giving them the ultimate formula to weight loss while you enjoy drinking it together. You can’t wait to have it again and help those who are struggling to have their confidence back.

Just by adding plôs thermo to your coffee (or other beverage of choice), you get to finally enjoy the taste and flavor while you FEEL GREAT and LOSE WEIGHT at the same time. You will shed those pesky INCHES around the gut, thighs, butt., and all over your body. The best part about it, you are able to keep it off! No more crash diets or severe diet restrictions, and endless joint pains from going to the gym.

Drinking 1 to 2 cups of great tasting coffee with plôs thermo as your creamer throughout the morning will give you so much energy and makes you feel great. You are losing weight as you eat great meals and enjoy doing so. No more feeling bad about having that pizza or Mexican food for a date night. Plus you will look and feel better each day.  This is a proven weight loss all because of plôs thermo. Look at all the incredible benefits:

  • No need to exercise!
  • No need to be on any Special Diets!
  • No need to measure out anything.
  • No need to change your lifestyles around this.
  • You sleep better, increase your mental focus and mood
  • Be set with a Scientific Wonder that allows you to literally eat cake and lose weight!

Lose Weight, Make Money

Having a job, a family, and paying the bills… it all adds up. The weight and fat we carry shouldn’t be a burden. This is where plôs thermo comes in, offering us the methods to lose weight by adding it to our favorite drink (or any favorite beverage). The fat is literally melted away by it.

In addition, you can check out the Business Side to understand how we not only lose weight, but also LOSE DEBT! The information will be available as you proceed with ordering plôs thermo; and you can contact me by subscribing to my email newsletter – – ON THE RIGHT OF THIS ARTICLE. If you would like to discuss this further, you can reply directly to me.

Visit our Contact Us Information Page.

Want to ENHANCE your Weight Loss? You need to add the power of Bio-Hacking! See it here! With this non-dairy creamer plôs thermo you can make your morning brew even better. Aside from that, we have tons of additional “Awesomeness” to help you sleep better, feel better, focus better, and improve your hair, nails, skin, and so much more.

If you have any questions regarding this (or anything else on this Community Information System),VISIT HERE to learn more.